Just a few song i wrote some time ago. I don't write anymore.

All the words and music you find on this site are the sole copyright of Tim Dawson
and are registered with the GISC. Please e-mail Tim for details.

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It's been a while since I put anything on here. It's also been a while since I wrote any music! Still - there will be something new soon.

I wrote that about a year ago. This time I mean it!

So - who is Tim Dawson?

Songwriting has always been a part of my life. I began writing to the guitar when I was in my early teens and later to the piano. I have written many, many rock songs for the bands I have been in. For quite a time I had a very productive partnership with a guy called Shaun Hudson, who was the manager of a band I was in called Thief. I keep threatening to re-record some of that stuff to fit the classic rock revival that seems to be strong right now.

Lyrics and tune have always been important to me as a songwriter and I believe that every song can be enjoyed or even loved by somebody somewhere - music is such a personal thing. I have always tried to write about real things and to offer songs which can be 'owned' by the people who hear them.

I don't play in a band right now, but I've always fancied getting back into performing my own material (or some of it at least). Who knows, if I can find the musicians I might give it a go.

By and large all the instrumentation in these recordings is done by me, as are the vocals, except for here and there where I have been able to persuade my nephew, Pete Dawson to play drums for me. I am trying to persuade my sons to join me on some recording; Josh is a great guitarist and Ben has a really good voice.

I am my own producer, engineer and designer - and I fully confess that the engineering side of things is not my strength, so take the songs you hear as compositions rather than gems of production.

If you have got this far, thanks for taking the time to read this!

Tim Dawson


Kaiserin Rebecca
over 30 days ago to Tim Dawson

The 'Farewell Theme' is really a very touching song, I love it!

over 30 days ago to Tim Dawson

Tim - Ragged Man (and all your music for that matter) is a great tune. I want to say CCR but NO, meaning it has familiarity but is unique and that is awesome. Take the constructive comments positively and with a grain of salt. Your delivery, tone, and attack are all right on. I only wrote that cuz the "professionals" are BRUTAL and will tear you apart! I just think it's a matter of retakes. I have the luxury of my own studio but even if you don't, take at least 5 takes per verse/chs, etc...keep the best of the best and forget the rest - no harm in that and certainly no shame. It's all you all the time - you just pick the best and blend them - especially when it's new it's hard to sing with perfection and conviction - that's what the big boys do and that's what I do. I'm far from perfect as well but only keep the best of the best. By the time I do it live I'm a demon! Good luck and don't change the great skills you have and keep the great songs coming!

1 Replies
Tim Dawson
over 30 days ago

Thanks TTA - that's a real encouragement. Thanks for taking the time to listen and to comment so constructively. If you get a chance, vist timdawsonmusic.com and leave a guest book comment - that would be awsome! Cheers again. Tim

Steve Dafoe - Songwriter
over 30 days ago to Tim Dawson

Thanks for your great thoughts on "Storm Of Days". Written because of the book "Million Little Pieces". Appreciate the great marks!

1 Replies
Tim Dawson
over 30 days ago

No problem Steve - it's a great song.